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Daily Deals

Daily Deals offers one outstanding deal each day from local businesses with discounts of up to 70% off. The deals are so good, we only offer them for one day and we need a minimum number of people to purchase the deal before it is activated. To activate or "tip" the deal, buy the deal and then share the deal with your friends via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. to meet the minimum purchase requirement. Once the deal is "tipped", you can print the deal and use it the next day. You save. Your friends save. It's that easy. Sign up for Daily Deals emails so you don't miss any of the great deals.

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Discount Deals

Discount Deals are half price or less all of the time. We have gift certificates to great local businesses that are 50% off or more! There are no requirements to buy these deals other than you want to save money on your next purchases. Buy the certificates now and you will receive them in the mail in just a few business days. Before you make your next purchase, check out our discount deals first and save big.

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Golf Deals

Golf half off from HalfPriceGolf.net. We have the Ozarks' best golf courses at half price. Each week we offer half price golf certificates starting at 9 AM on Tuesdays. Our certificates sell out fast, so make your purchases early. Visit our golf course directory, get golf tips from the pros, calendar of golf events, or even play local courses in our par 3 shootout online game. Have fun and happy golfing.

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HalfPriceOzarks.com - Home of the Daily Deals, Discount Deals, and Golf Deals in Springfied, Branson, and the Ozarks MO.
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